What is Waxing? 

Waxing is a hair removal method that involves applying warm wax to the skin, adhering to the hair, and then quickly removing it pulling the hair from the root. 

Does waxing hurt?

While everyones pain tolerance varies, we strive to make the experience as comfortable as possible. We use high-quality waxes and techniques to minimize discomfort. 

How long should my hair be before waxing?

For optimal results, hair should be at least 1/4 inch long ( about the length of a grain of rice) to ensure the wax can effectively grip and remove the hair. 

How often should I get waxed? 

Waxing typically last 3-6 weeks, depending on your hair growth cycles. We recommend scheduling maintennce waxes every 4-5 weeks. 

Can I still wax during my menstrual cycle?

Yes, you can! Though it can be more sensative, you can still get a brazilian wax while on your menstural cycle with the use of a tampon or a menstural cup. Please let your waxing professional know so they can take neseccsary precautions. 

What should I avoid after waxing?

Avoid touching the waxed area, sun exposure/tanning beds, hot showers/baths, tight clothing, sweating and workouts, swimming, and any friction induced activities including intercourse for 24 hours after your wax

What is waxing aftercare?

Waxing aftercare is essential for improving your next wax. Two main factors in waxing aftercare are exfoliation and hydration of the skin. Exfoliation clears the pores of debris and lifts newly grown hair above the surface of the skin. Keeping the skin exfoliated and hydrated allows the hair a clear path to grow with little resistance, reducing ingrown hairs.

Gently exfoliate 2-3 times per week, 2-3 days after your wax. Follow exfoliation with an enriching and nourishing skin hydrator that does not irritate your skin, i.e. an oil.

 Remember, rough and  excessive exfoliation can damage your skin. 

What areas can be waxed?

At WAX OKC, we offer male and female body waxing services on all parts of the body with the exception of male facial hair or scalp hair. If you don't see a service on our menu, send us a text and we'll see what we can do! 

Do I need an appointment or can I walk-in?

At WAX OKC, we are by appointment only. Click the "Book Now" button at the top of any page to schedule an appointment.

What if I have...

At WAX OKC, we strive for everyone to feel comfortable getting services and understand all bodies are unique.

Inform us of any mobility issues, skin concerns, allergies, recent surgeries or any other concerns you may have. 

See "Who should NOT get waxed" for contraindications to waxing.

I'm pregnant, can I still get a Brazilian wax? 

As for all pregnancies, you should ask your doctor. If you have no restrictions from your doctor we'd be happy to accommodate you. It is all dependent on your comfort level. Post pregnancy waxing can be discussed at your appointment. 

Who should NOT get waxed?

Waxing may not be suitable for individuals with compromised skin integrity. 

If you have active eczema, psoriasis, a sunburn, active herpes outbreak, an active cold sore, open skin lesion or raw skin in the area being waxed, it is contraindicated. Please allow these area to heal and regain the skin integrity prior to waxing. 

If you have used any Retin A products (tretinoin, Differin, Renova, etc...) or retinol products within a week of waxing, it is contraindicated. Please refrain from using these products for 1 week prior to waxing services. 

If you have taken Accutane™ within the past 12 months, waxing services are contraindicated.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact us or speak with your licensed professional prior to your service.