
Waxing Services

Brazilian Female | $75 New | $70 Maintenance

Brazilian Male | $80 New | $75 Maintenance 

Bikini | $45

Between the Cheeks | $30

Full Butt | $45

Back | $50

Half Back | $25

Chest | $50

Upper Chest-Just the pecks | $25

Areola | $13

Abdomen | $25

Stomach Strip | $13

Brows | $20

Lip | $13

Chin | $13

Sides of Face | $15

Ears | $13

Neck | $18

Shoulders | $30

Full Arms | $50

Half Arms | $25

Underarms | $25

Full Legs | $100

Half Legs | $50

Lash Services

Lash Lift | $85 

Lash Lift with Tint | $100

Brow Services

Brow Trim | $13 

Brow Wax (includes trim) | $20 

Brow Wax & Tint | $35

Brow Mapping & Wax | $30 

Brow Mapping, Wax & Tint | $45

Brow Lamination (includes brow wax) | $85 

Brow Lamination with Tint | $100